Monday, March 30, 2009

Phase 3

[click image to enlarge]

This is the Center For Technical Education being gutted before the wrecking ball arrives for demolition. Construction of the new high school has moved into its final Phase 3. This phase consists of the demolition of the existing Center For Technical Education and the construction of the new 3-story 224,000 SF gymnasium, auditorium, and administration wing which is scheduled to be completed by August, 2010.

The amazing thing about this project is that it was planned in phases so that there would be minimal disruption to the students' education. The school has remained fully operational since this project began in 2007.


brattcat said...

I'm glad they're thinking this through. I wonder what the plans are for all the building debris. And whether the new building they're putting up will be green.

marley said...

Good planning is rare!

Summer Attraction

This tiger swallowtail butterfly was a delight to see pollinating the phlox bed along my driveway.