Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Commencement, 2010

Veteran's Stadium was bathed in beautiful light for the promising graduates of Quincy High School last night.


brattcat said...

May their futures also be touched by a glorious light.

Prettypics123 said...

Very nice light in this photo!

Helene said...

Beautiful! It's such a good picture, I bet the High School & parents would love to see it.

gaf85 said...

Hey, I was there, and yes it was a beautiful evening and a wonderful occasion watching my niece graduate. I've been following your photo blog for quite some time now and it sometimes made me feel a bit homesick for my old town. I never thought though that worlds would collide and I would actually be in the same place where you were photographing! (Too bad, you missed a photo op of a look a like "Snookie" from The Jersey Shore in the crowd. It was hilarious, either that or I just have a twisted sense of humor.)
The real difficulty though was not allowing myself to break into the North Quincy School song since I am an alumnus if NQHS. Those loyalties can run pretty deep!

Summer Attraction

This tiger swallowtail butterfly was a delight to see pollinating the phlox bed along my driveway.