Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thursday is "This Old House Day"

This colonial on Adams Street was built in 1960, a mere 52 years ago.  This is a unique house design for Quincy.  What a beautiful show of flowers on the front of this property.


brattcat said...

i think the owners take great pride in their home as well they should. thank you for giving us a glimpse of it.

Sarah Jacobs said...

I remember this house from my childhood.This house wasn't a "colonial' but rather, a "modern" house.

slim said...

Interesting comment, Sarah, because I also viewed that house as a "modern" style house when I was growing up. The "Vision Appraisal" listing has tagged it as the catch-all "colonial".

Sarah Jacobs said...

I think that these days realtors call anything with a sloped roof a colonial. The elongated windows, the orange doors and large scale handles all scream modern.. What it looked like to me was sort of a souped up ranch with an eye towards design.. It had something of a 60's ski resort look. Some of the 60's resort hotels in the Catskills have this look..."Brady Bunch on Adams Street" is probably more on the mark than colonial. Quincy has tons of colonial houses...this isn't one of them.

Summer Attraction

This tiger swallowtail butterfly was a delight to see pollinating the phlox bed along my driveway.