Saturday, October 20, 2012

Abandoned Quarry

This is what remains of the abandoned quarry beside the Lyons Turning Mill.  The building seen at the top of the quarry is part of the Granite Links Golf complex.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hello Slim

The CDP portal roared back into life this week.
Have you checked to see that your blog is listed?
Who else covers your town, or your region?

Voting for the December Theme Day poll commences Thursday 25th October - this Thursday!
Don\'t forget, the Theme Day on 1st November is \'The Water\'s edge.
Now, how to capture the tension on the edge of the water as a dragonfly alights?

The City Daily Photo portal - check it out now!

Summer Attraction

This tiger swallowtail butterfly was a delight to see pollinating the phlox bed along my driveway.