Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Chalkboards = 0

[click image to enlarge]

This is one of the science classrooms in the new wing of Quincy High School. You will not see any black or green chalkboards here. Each classroom is equipped with a special white erase board, called a Smartboard, which is interfaced with a computer and projector. There is even a science preparation room off this classroom . . . how very exciting for teachers and students to have such a wonderful facility.


Anonymous said...

Very cool! Nice to see a blogger in my area too!!

brattcat said...

Oh, my. Science labs have come a long way, haven't they? Here's hoping budding young scientists discover a passion for the field every year in this classroom.

Tanya Breese said...

Isn't it funny that chalkboards are a thing of the past, or sad rather. I first heard of smart boards when Ashlyn's teacher had one in her 4th grade class. Now I suspect they are common in all classrooms.
When I was growing up, I always wanted to be a teacher just to write on the chalkboard,lol.

Viewtiful_Justin said...

I'd love to see the board in action. That's a really interesting concept. But nothing will ever replace myl ove for the sound of chalk writing on a blackboard.

Losing that's almost as sad as losing the "chunk" of a typewriter's keys leaving their inky marks on paper.


Anonymous said...

I have managed to keep both in my classroom and my students are split evenly between those who choose to work with the new board and those who want chalk and eraser. Fun to have both new and old.

My Year Without said...

No more chalkboards?! Can't wait to tell my dad who taught science for over 20 years!

Jazz said...

They haven't used chalkboards at my high-school in Victoria, Australia since long before I started there... And I'm fairly certain all the other schools in my area use electronic whiteboards (that's what we call them) too.
I don't think I've seen a chalkboard since the start of my primary school days. :( I suddenly miss them.

Private said...

That room is too clean to be a classroom.


Lowell said...

As a former teacher, this leaves me drooling...why is it so often our state and local politicos can find money for everything but the most important thing - education?

Hassan Zameer said...

as A SCIENCE lover and a TEEN i would love to be in this class room, and do some researches and investigations. :P

DAG said...

beautiful building and a nice looking classroom. I am going to miss the street they built it on top of.

I don't remember chalkboards as being a problem, no more chalk dust on clothing is a plus though.

JHNickodemus said...

LOVE smartboards! Chalk boards seemed to make my respiratory system miserable.

George Townboy said...

Funny, I hated being the kid that had to clean the erasers, so I would have enjoyed a smart board.

Marie-Noyale said...

No more chalk dust on the desk!!!

Melissa Valeriote said...

That is one beautiful High School class room.

nomore said...

Oh, look so very snug a classroom...

sherry said...

I want to study in this classroom!

Mona said...

smartboards are actually not as good as it may sound...the copies aren't very good and kinda hard to erase without smelly chemicals...

Summer Attraction

This tiger swallowtail butterfly was a delight to see pollinating the phlox bed along my driveway.