Tombstones and Cemeteries is the theme for October. I have chosen to show Hancock Cemetery looking across the street towards the First Parish Church.
Below is a list of all the participating Daily City Photo Blogs. Take a tour of some local and perhaps distant necropoleis around the globe and have fun.
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Very interesting!
Sydney Daily Photo
An imposing building indeed.
I've never seen tombs in little hills like that before (better seen by enlarging) ... interesting!
Interesting and a good photo.
The gravesites seem so miniscule next to the looming church, or perhaps looming is not a good word. How about large or imposing?
l'eglise est impressionnante.
the church is impressive.
Great shot.
Did you get a chance to see Disneyland's Tom Sawyer's Island before they changed it? This looks just like the little cemetery on the island!
Port Angeles Daily Photo
Boy that is a slope down from the church to the cemetery, isn't it. A beautiful bell tower and a great sense of place given by your photo!
Seattle Daily Photo
xnWhat a great photo...Is that grass and if so....pretty darn brown!!
Very nice shot, the church tower is amazing.
This is lovely. Thank you for sharing it with us. It looks great small, and even better when I clicked on it.
That is a very beautiful picture! Look at that sky, for crying out loud!!!
This theme has been the best history lesson. Thank you for sharing a historical cemetary.
thats so beautiful plus the sky was just so perfect.
You know, Jim, Phelan should hire you as Quincy's official photographer. The Hancock cemetery and the First Parish church look fantastic in this photo.
Very bright blue sky.
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