Thursday, November 29, 2007

Built to Last

[click image to enlarge]

The King's Chapel on Tremont Street in Boston was built in 1752 using granite boulders dug up in Quincy. This classic building was no easy feat for the early colonists, numbering fewer than 1,000 in the little village of Braintree 8 miles to the south. Their tools were crude; their ingenuity astounding.

Oxen and carts were used to move tons of the quarried grey stone to this site. When completed it was the wonder of the country. People still come from a distance to admire this great structure.


• Eliane • said...

Interesting commentary. Thanksfully, we can now hop in the T instead of using the oxen and carts way.

Dan said...

The history around Boston and its landmarks is amazing. Thanks for giving the historic background on this. Isn't Braintree the home John and Abigail Adams? If I got my history right they should have been watching these great granite stones being hauled into town.

Summer Attraction

This tiger swallowtail butterfly was a delight to see pollinating the phlox bed along my driveway.