Sunday, February 03, 2008

Sunday is for Church

[click image to enlarge]

As we continue our Sunday series of houses of worship, this week's church is St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Quincy Point on Washington Street.


BeanTownBoy said...

Nice shot of a nice little choich. Is the clock on top of the sign, or stand alone behind it?

marley said...

I hate to say it but the top of the tower looks like a watch tower in "The Great Escape"!

Clueless in Boston said...

Beantowon: the clock is free standing and not part of the sign.

Marley: nice observation. I hadn't thought of that. BTW, one of the men involved in the real Great Escape, Jimmy James, age 92, just died in the past week or so.

smilnsigh said...

This isn't as historic a subject, as in your other blog. But, it's a lot happier looking a day. :-)


Southern Heart said...

I am enjoying your church photos very much.

Summer Attraction

This tiger swallowtail butterfly was a delight to see pollinating the phlox bed along my driveway.