A fellow blogger from Tehran is missing and has not posted since June 17th. We hope that this blogger is safe and will be able to share that part of the world with us again soon. The city daily photo community has set aside today to show support for this missing blogger and others who have run into difficulties for taking photos of public events in public places. Click here to view more participants of this theme.

Both these images were captured at the rock garden aside the Faith Lutheran Church.
Symbols of hope have a potent force in this struggle by the Iranian people. Without hope there is but despair.
I am so glad you posted on this special Theme Day. We want our blogger back. The world is watching.
Excellent and thank you. MB
A beautiful reminder that we must always keep the faith and never lose hope.
Regardless of who won the election, regardless of race or beliefs, it is heartwarming to see so many people expressing their outrage at the violence being done by their own government to the people of Iran. I truly hope the violence ends soon.
excellent photo to support the people of Iran who want their votes counted and our missing fellow city daily photo blogger
Great post for today, the photo is such a strong message. Have a wonderful Sunday.
Each of us with our unique voices joining together to keep the issue of basic human rights in the foreground. Very beautiful. Very powerful.
Beautiful choice for this theme day!
The world is watching. I hope for a peaceful outcome. Thank you for posting on this subject today.
I'm glad for your support. I'd like to make you aware of this video. Jump to 00:27:10 if you don't like to watch the whole video. I think this is what most western countries deny but it is all connected.
you must be faith on god.thanks for remembering to me this word. i want to see that church.nice word & nice picture.
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