Saturday, October 17, 2009

Yard Sale

[click image to enlarge]

It's a good thing these folks on the southern Artery held their fall yard sale last weekend because this weekend is predicted to be a stormy one. Do you enjoy going to yard sales? Find any treasures?


John said...

Never done one, never tried one; but I guess that where there's a bargain there's a buyer.

brattcat said...

Yard sales can definitely be fun. Children, as you've caught in this, have such a great time finding treasures. Often they can afford the prices out of their own piggy banks, especially if they negotiate with the seller. How carefully they choose and how deeply they cherish their 'finds'.

marley said...

We don't have many of these here yet, but I'm sure they'll soon start to appear.

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

Another great American pastime, nicely caught! These mostly pop up here in the spring. I wonder if everything has been sold by fall?

Summer Attraction

This tiger swallowtail butterfly was a delight to see pollinating the phlox bed along my driveway.