Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday Is "This Old House Day"

This small 1927 white stucco with the red tile accent is an unusual sight to behold in its Wollaston neighborhood off Harvard Street. (Thanks, Peggy for the tip on this.) This is one of just a handful of houses in Quincy that exhibits some Spanish design influences.


brattcat said...

i thought for a moment i'd opened the wrong blog. toto, this doesn't look like quincy.

Anonymous said...

Aww it's cute. There's a Quincy in North Florida but I think we pronounce it differently. Then again, there's a Cairo, Georgia and they pronounce it like the syrup: Kay-Ro!

Summer Attraction

This tiger swallowtail butterfly was a delight to see pollinating the phlox bed along my driveway.