Tuesday, June 19, 2012


The remains of a few old docks are rusting away on Raccoon Island.  There could be a few dollars in that metal . . .


Chrissy Brand said...

Wonder what it used to be like?- I can't fathom how people abandon stuff. A lovely view to decay in though.

slim said...

I wonder too, Chrissy. I've been learning that many yacht clubs and marinas in the area use the islands to store the docks for the off-season. If they don't want the dock the following season - they leave it behind. It seems reasonable to me that the folks who dropped the dock off should haul it off the following season at their expense or maybe they should be charged a storage fee ??? Everyone needs to do their part of stewardship for our open spaces and national treasures like the Boston Harbor Islands.

Summer Attraction

This tiger swallowtail butterfly was a delight to see pollinating the phlox bed along my driveway.