Monday, August 20, 2007

Reeds at Black's Creek

This shot was taken at Black's Creek, a tidal estuary about a half-mile from Wollaston Beach. Reeds are a wetland habitat and can grow to over 6 feet tall; they can grow in salt or fresh water but tend to grow at the water’s edge where their roots are wet for most of the year.


Bob Crowe said...

Excellent B&W photography. Perfect contrast between sky and clouds. Were you shooting digital or film with a filter? The last several days' posts are of similar quality. I've shot that statue of Abigail Adams, too - every photographer who visits Boston must go by there.


Clueless in Boston said...

Thanks for visiting. All my photos are digital - I gave up film several years ago when I got into digital, and just recently started to get serious about it. I'm not exclusively into B&W, but for some things it just seems to work better.

don said...

wow. like the blue clou around it

don said...

clou??? it must me glow

Janet said...

Great photo. I like your perspective.

Summer Attraction

This tiger swallowtail butterfly was a delight to see pollinating the phlox bed along my driveway.