Hi Northbay. Thanks for visiting. I stood precariously on the guard rail and took the shot (just kidding). Actually, there is a stairway and little platform to a verrrrry narrow sidewalk. I stood there and used a slow shutter speed (1/25th sec) and waited for a car to come into the frame. Cars were probably doing about 45mph.
How did you get the shot?
Hi Northbay. Thanks for visiting. I stood precariously on the guard rail and took the shot (just kidding). Actually, there is a stairway and little platform to a verrrrry narrow sidewalk. I stood there and used a slow shutter speed (1/25th sec) and waited for a car to come into the frame. Cars were probably doing about 45mph.
I love the blur there.
My Blogs
Quick Snap 365
This I Do...
Love the movement and was a picture perfect blue sky!
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