Quincy (Kwin' zee), Massachusetts, City of Presidents and Birthplace of the American Dream
Thursday, November 01, 2007
November Theme Day - Blue
November theme day is "Blue." For my post I selected this nice blue house with a blue Koch for mayor sign and MacFarland for City Council on the lawn.
There are over 100 daily photo blogs participating in today's theme day. Visit as many as possible and have fun today!
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Summer Attraction
This tiger swallowtail butterfly was a delight to see pollinating the phlox bed along my driveway.
[click image to enlarge] It's first of the month and for the community of City Daily Photo Bloggers that is synonymous with "Theme ...
This beautiful Gothic and Tudor Revival style building was built in 1891 as a school for children of the granite workers in West Quincy; it ...
This tiger swallowtail butterfly was a delight to see pollinating the phlox bed along my driveway.
What a pretty house. Veranda AND terrace, that's nice! :)
Looks like a lovely home and a pretty street to live in - very apple pie!
Very pretty house indeed.
what a nice blue house indeed!
I Heart Manila
That's a lovely house! Nice photo.
Norwich Daily Photo
Typical American house. Love it.
it's a beautiful blue house!...it looks like a house from a US movie :)
What a great house!!! definitely has curb appeal!
Lovely image - distilled USA
Dude, I had to browse through 10 pages of blue posts to finally get to yours!
It is a very good choice for today. Those houses in wood pannels are very cute and always remind me of what a great time I had with my Playmobils. So exotic in brick country. ;)
Sooooo... Ed Koch runs for mayor again? Hmm...
Very american!
That's a beautiful frame house, neat and tidy. Good choice!
A very pretty house and great theme photo.
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