Friday, April 18, 2008

Poem In Your Pocket Day

[click image to enlarge]

Yesterday was the first National Poem in Your Pocket Day. It was celebrated at a local school by this Library Teacher and her first grade class. All the children and teachers brought their favorite poem either folded up in their pocket or in the pocketless it was carried in a shoe or sock and pulled out to share. Everyone in the school was encouraged to be part of the celebration. April is National Poetry Month.


Lynette said...

What a great thing to have in your pocket, a piece of poetry. Thanks for this photo!

Kate said...

I've been giving out "A Poem in your Pocket" now for years. It's a wonderful activity. Your picture is a wonderful testimonial for the importance of poetry.

Come visit my blog to see my 500th post!

The Lone Beader® said...

How fun! I did not know about this! But, to celebrate, click the first pic on my blog post today, and you'll see a couple of poems that would fit in the tiniest pocket. LOL.

George Townboy said...

Great post! They must love you in Quincy!

Janet Kincaid said...

My favorite poem in my pocket is Custard, the Cowardly Dragon by Ogden Nash.

I'm always so happy to see kids involved in reading. You captured a great moment!

Summer Attraction

This tiger swallowtail butterfly was a delight to see pollinating the phlox bed along my driveway.