I was all set to post a picture of the John Adams statue today until I stopped by the constuction site of the new Quincy high school wing and saw this iron worker. As he was erecting the steel I-beams, 50 feet off the ground, I saw him stop to unsnag our country's flag from the block and tackle that hoisted the I-beams. I was touched by this show of respect while working and thought here's a man who doesn't take anything for granted. What an unexpected show of patriotism.
Happy Birthday to our country this 4th of July!
I cried just a little reading this. Thank you
Outstanding shot, outstanding post. Thank you.
Happy 4th of July!
Very patriotic. Enjoy your day :)
Very, very nice, Slim! Excellent photo, too!
Happy 4th to you and yours!
Just stopping by to wish you Happy July 4th From London!
I love the serendipity of life that living through the lens of a camera can make you so much more aware of- touching
Hope your enjoying the 4th of July celebrations! I enjoyed this post. ;-)
Nice photo for the celebrations.
TEARS of JOY came to me as I read & viewed your AWESOME photograph....you are VERY GIFTED!!!!!!!!! :o)
Awesome photo!
I was very touched by the photo and posting. Thank you for sharing.
its really nice shot with the flag.i always raise the flag on top.
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