This is the "Old House" that goes with yesterday's hibiscus located at 39 Elm Avenue in the Wollaston section. This colonial was built in 1900 and has had its luster restored over the last decade. It gleams with ownership pride on the outside and I imagine on the inside too. It is for sale . . . it's time for the owner's to move on in their lives. I wish them all the best and hope the new owners keep the shine on this one!
I won't buy, porch not big enough. I just love the New England houses.
Sounds as if the real estate market is beginning to recover a bit. I wish the departing family luck, and luck, too, to the new family who will come to replace them in the house.
It has been beautifully restored, and is very similar to some older houses here in Ocala.
What would something like this cost there?
So sorry we won't be able to meet on Sunday. The invitation remains open any time you're nearby.
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