Saturday, January 23, 2010

Taking the Plunge

More than 75 people took part in the John Hancock Birthday Plunge into Quincy Bay last weekend and raised $8000 to help local people in need of food and fuel this winter. Water temps were just above freezing as you can see from the shocked expressions of these hardy souls. The plunge is a tribute to Hancock, who lived in Quincy and was the first signer of the Declaration of Independence. This statue from a previous post honors John Hancock.

Thanks to Clueless in Boston for sharing this image.


Beakey said...

At least two of those dudes appear to have almost lost their shorts.

Diane said...

That's me in the blue shirt. Right after this picture was taken, my boyfriend fell into the water, face first. It's pretty hard to run on an icy ocean floor. Great picture, awesome day.

slim said...

Let alone their shorts, B-W, I think they are out of their minds and glad they are.

Accolades to you, Diane, for taking the icy plunge.

RNSANE said...

Wow, that is really daring. Dolphin Club swimmers here in San Francisco swim in the cold Bay waters but they aren't like Boston icy temperatures!

Lowell said...

So funny! I wonder why people think that dunking themselves in freezing water is a tribute to anyone or anything other than their own ... well, silliness?

brattcat said...

Brrrrr. I think it would be cold standing out there and taking the picture. Actually getting into the water...forget it! Three cheers for Diane and her beau.

Summer Attraction

This tiger swallowtail butterfly was a delight to see pollinating the phlox bed along my driveway.