Thursday, August 09, 2012

Thursday is "This Old House" Day

Today's classic example of a "sea or lake cottage" has a wrap around porch to beat all on these hot, hazy days of summer.  You can almost smell the sea air, can't you?  This simple Queen Anne house, located in Houghs Neck at 32 Bayview Avenue, was built in 1880 as a summer residence.  Houghs Neck was quite the summer resort back when this house was built.


Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful looking place!

brattcat said...

ah, i bet that house some very happy memories.

brattcat said...

holds, i meant to say holds some very happy memories.

Birdman said...

That wrap-a-round is crying out for a chair, a book, a beverage and moi.

Summer Attraction

This tiger swallowtail butterfly was a delight to see pollinating the phlox bed along my driveway.