Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Presidential Day

[click image to enlarge]

Abigail Adams must have had many wet hems walking down these snowy paths. Click here to see the Presidential "Stone Library" in the summer season.

It seems appropriate on this historic Inauguration Day to post a picture of the Adams'Presidential Library in Quincy where the "Mendi Bible" is housed. This Bible was presented in gratitude to President John Quincy Adams in 1841 by a group of freed African slaves who had mutinied on the schooner La Amistad. John Quincy Adams represented the slaves in a Supreme Court case which led to their freedom. Long may freedom ring . . .


George Townboy said...

Amazing shot! And great info, definitely appropriate for today. Thanks.

brattcat said...

Beautiful post.

Summer Attraction

This tiger swallowtail butterfly was a delight to see pollinating the phlox bed along my driveway.