This pile of concrete rocks and wire is what remains of Quincy's Center For Technical Education. The pole lights in the background are turned on at night for the public tennis courts located behind the rubble. I think this image really lends itself to a monochrome image. Click here for more black and white from other Monochrome Maniacs.
That's one beautiful black and white tangled mess. I love it when someone turns something that's normally unappealing into art.
Pretty cool.
Great when enlarged to see at its best. Strange decoration in the background gives it something extra.
Weirdly beautiful. And it looks great i b&wh.
Only a monochrome can make the mundane look beautiful, that and the right photographer.
And that sky! How expressive the B&W is in capturing the mood of the sky.
I like this a lot .. all sorts of things happening here ..
Very well done. Great composition. I agree with Dagrun that it is weirdly beautiful. I could almost see it as a statement on modern life and how everything in our wasteful society and culture leads to a scrapheap like that.
Kind of sad really that all these things that were once modern are no longer needed. Great shot with feeling.
My brother used to work for the Quincy patriot Ledger.
Wonderful image, esp enlarged.
(I bet you are glad not to be getting 600 comments a day! - it would be a full day's work just reading them.)
On books for summer reading - Life of Pi (just loved that one & I resisted reading it for the longest time) and the 1st 44 Scotland St. book. And even though it's about young mothers on wellfare, the Canadian writer of the summer of my amazing luck is just wonderful.
Wonderful shot but needed to be enlarged.
its amazing how rumble can look so appealing to the eye. You have a good eye for seeing great pictures in the most unlikely places
nice shot and great combination with concrete and metal.
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