The leading line is a shiny rail belonging to the Fore River Railway. This 2-mile freight line operates between Quincy Point and Braintree. It saw lots of action when this was a thriving shipbuilding area which peaked during World War II. Click here to see more rail car pictures. Some tank cars and old shipyard scaffolding can be seen in the background. Much of this 111 acre industrial site is being cleaned up and is not open to the public. I will share more images and history from this famous Quincy site in the weeks to come.
I am also posting this on the "Skywatch Friday" site as this blue sky was a rare treat in Quincy over the past few weeks. Enjoy your weekend everyone!
that seems to stretch on forever. cool pic
That is really cool picture. Blue skies are very rare here in Newtown PA. Lately
Just love the perspective.
You've done a fab job of skywatch. Not only the sky above but the sky reflected in the metal, making it look almost liquid. Great post.
Amazing shot! :D
nice shot. can i visit there ? then just tell me where it is.
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