Today's handsome Greek Revival building was designed by Quincy's renowned architect, Solomon Willard, in 1826. Today's house is the Norfolk County Superior Courthouse in Dedham; the highest court in Quincy's County of Norfolk and is the location of the famous Sacco-Vanzetti murder trial in the 1920s. Today's "Old House" is a departure from my usual Thursday post because I am performing my civic duty here and thought you would enjoy the Quincy connection.
Have you ever served on a jury? It is interesting to see first hand how our justice system works.
I have had the honor of being in the jury pool at this courthouse twice, as recently as last month. Nice photo
It's an impressive building, especially with that gold dome.
The Philippines doesn't have a jury system. And I think that's all I'll say about it unless you're willing to read a long-winding rant ;P
I've been called three times over the years. It is an amazing process to observe. Even though I've completed my obligation according to the laws of Vermont, I still occasionally go to the courthouse to listen and watch the proceedings.
I've been selected for jury duty several times over the years. It seems like I am called every five years, so I guess I should be receiving a notice soon. What impressed me most about jury duty was the judges's respect towards each juror.
Yes, I have been called to Dedham and sat in the the old and the new jury room but have never served on a jury. My Dad was on an 18 month Federal Grand Jury, which he says was interesting.
Well I guess I can foresee the future. Yesterday I received a notice for jury duty this coming September at the Norfolk County Courthouse.
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